The Edwardian Creed (version 1.0)
There is something rather than nothing. This is gloriously self-evident and cannot be reasonably denied. That there is something rather than nothing is as sure as 2 + 2 = 4
The existence of all things is caused by the existence of a thing whose own existence has no cause. That thing is therefore self-existent. It’s existence depends only on its own self. It is also eternal in that its nature transcends time and causation. It is the universal unmoved mover. It is the cause of all things but has not been caused by any other thing.
This universal unmoved mover is therefore effectively the something that exists rather than nothing. I call it The Universal Something.
When I imagine what it looks like I picture a radiant shining light that is almost so strong as to be blinding.
Everything that exists is consubstantial with The Universal Something. And therefore, all things that exist are consubstantial with each other.
There is a God. God is the way in which The Universal Something exists. The Universal Something is the substance of reality and God is the shape of reality -the way in which The Universal Something exists as existence.
The Universal Substance is the fabric out of which reality is made, and God is the form that reality takes, and also how reality works.
Everything that exists does so as a figuration of God. If it exists, then it is a figuration of God – a way in which God exists. And God has a mind. However, we humans have mental autonomy from God even though we are figurations of him. We are independent figurations and therefore have our own minds and souls. Even though these are all composed of The Universal Something and were ultimately formed out of it by God and natural processes.
Divine Providence is a real thing – always has been and always will. God manages and guides our world; he and various heavenly beings superintend it. However, this is somewhat offset by human free will and the forces of chaos.
The concept of Ex Nihilo (something out of nothing) makes zero sense – something cannot come out of nothing; something must come out of something
Our reality is God, but God is more than our reality – our reality is only one small corner of all creation. There are other creations and Heaven, where higher beings live and where certain people go after death
We can best conceptualise God and know him through the concept of the Holy Trinity – one being in three persons. Father, Son, Holy Spirit
And finally: Christianity is the best way to go, it is true